Monday, February 2, 2009

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for ...Gelato?

In the urban neighborhood of the Highlands sits a red brick building that houses a wonderful and fairly new ice cream & gelato store - The Red Trolley Ice Cream Boutique. What makes this place so special is more than the philosophy of no artifical ingredients, customer service where service is the focus and a trolley that runs along the wall.

It's the GELATO! Oh my - are you kidding me? We had the Salted Carmel with Chocolate Genache - heaven in a bowl.
No, seriously, Deanna Parker, pastry chef extraordinaire, (that's her in the bandana) makes wonderful ice cream and gelato.
(Please, please, please, open one in Littleton!! Did you hear me Rick?)
We haven't even talked about the coffee. I don't even drink coffee and I had a cup of theirs - black. It's amazing - it's not just the locally roasted Novo Coffee beans or the Clover coffee machine, it's the whole process; the amount of beans, brewing time, the machine. The coffee was smooth and well, not bitter at all. Coming from someone who treasures her tea I would drink Red Trolley's coffee, with a side of gelato of course.

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